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Who am I ? 

Dear all,

Probably you are expecting to see a complete CV and my entire life history here…

I'm definitely not going to give you this, because it does not matter. It is not important WHO I AM, but rather WHAT I DO ON THIS EARTH.

I am a being, incarnated in a human body, and, since always, I have done EVERYTHING within my power, knowledge, competencies, and within my being, to do whatever needs to be done in the present moment to elevate consciousness and help the Earth.

On the 2nd of August 2020, at 7:22 PM, I have decided to open a big door to the entire world – there, where in the past I have only worked with a very select audience.

Since then, I have started to expand my area of ​​influence through different tools.

On 11/11/2020, at 11:11 AM, I have decided to also launch my website so that all of you – wherever you are – can have access to this new dimension that I am presenting to you.

All that I do is constantly evolving, and so it is important for you to know that what I can offer to the world tomorrow will always be superior to what I have been able to offer to you today.

I keep believing that every human being always has a light, deep inside, that can be nourished, and that can bud and bloom at the surface. 

But I also know that I must always respect everyone's free will, and that ultimately, it is each individual who will choose their life’s destiny. 

It is always a pleasure for me

to be connected and to be working

with passionate people

who are connected with their heart, because together,

in this large community,

we can make a difference

and create

a better world.

With all my heart,

          Marc NOËL

CEO Fushigina Choowa