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It is my pleasure and honor to present :

The endorsements

of people who felt the need to share with each of you, through a short essay, how they have lived and experienced an encounter with me.

Through the eyes of the writer, these endorsements will give you a view of how they have lived interactions with me on different levels.

Enjoy the reading!


Endorsement of Marc Noel July 24, 2023

It gives me great pleasure to write this note regarding my experience of getting to know Marc Noel. My name is Ajay Sandhir and I am a Technology professional based in New Jersey, USA. I have lived and worked across multiple countries in the past 20 years of my technology experience. I was in Denmark for 2 years, and also have spent considerable time to understand and experience the cmulutultriep lein other countries including China, Japan, New Zealand, Philippines, and Malaysia.

I got to know about Marc Noel via Muneesh Tewari. Muneesh happens to be my first cousin and is family. He met Marc several years ago and shared his experiences with me about him. As time progressed, I have noticed a very positive shift in Muneesh and his transformation into a more spiritual and self-aware person.

I experienced some medical issues in 2019 with myself, with numerous tests and diagnostics not able to zero down the actual issue, it was all veering towards the unknown. Muneesh asked me to reach out to Marc. He said he would ask Marc to facilitate a speedy healing process for me. I reached out to Marc via Text messages and strongly believe he did help in sending healing my way.

Muneesh and I had several zoom sessions where he shared his knowledge and interactions he has had with Marc. All these learnings from Zoom sessions where he shared the concepts of how to take personal responsibility, let go of ego and not allow external events to affect oneself are some of the best learnings in a simple form. This has indeed helped me tremendously.

I would like to share that my wife is a Reiki Master teacher and healer and has always been a firm believer in Spiritual healing. We both strongly believe that there is more within us, and energy healing really works. My belief in spiritual healing has been reaffirmed.

I look forward to my continued interactions with Muneesh and eagerly wait for the time when the universe allows us to have an opportunity to meet Marc in person. I wish everything will manifest in peace and harmony.

Happy Healing to all,

Ajay Sandhir

Technology professional

New Jersey, USA

Life sometimes gives you the opportunity to experience something SO extraordinary, that you want to scream from the rooftops and propagate it to the rest of the world, extol its virtues to everyone you meet, and be grateful every single day that this experience happened to you. Dear Reader, my meeting with Marc Noël is such an experience!

My Name is Anita Chathadi, and I am a Mother to three young children. Before being honored with this role, I earned a Master’s degree in Business Administration, and later from the University of Michigan, a Master’s degree in Public Policy. I have worked in a broad spectrum of corporate roles including being a Manager at a Botique Investment Bank and the Head of Communications and Fund Raising at a Nonprofit organization.

One has to go beyond the realm of rational thought to even begin to grasp who Marc Noël is, and what it is that he does. Marc met my father in the summer of 2022. My father, who is usually reticent talking to foreigners, held Mark’s hand and shared with him his deep desire to let go of all attachment in life, something he had never vocalized before, even to his family. Marc didn’t say a word and kept his hand on my father’s forehead. Their interaction was very powerful and poignant. A few months later my father was diagnosed with ALS and died 4 months after that diagnosis. In his passing away, my father truly let go of every mental and physical attachment, gaining eternal peace. I know now that Marc facilitated my father’s surreal acceptance of his fatal diagnosis. Marc’s teachings also helped me view my father’s passing away without any of the drama that accompanies death.

Marc’s guidance permeates each and every facet of my life. I have been able to use his teachings to enhance my relationship with myself and all those around me. I have learned through Marc that healing is not just a physical or mental process, but calls for a paradigm shift in cerebral thinking that happens with complete acceptance and free-will. I’ve witnessed him “Perform” miracles on friends and families, healing them of pains and injuries miraculously. I have learnt to communicate with ease, without fear of judgement. I really could go on and on…

Marc Noël cannot be defined, or boxed nor can his work be explained. He IS what YOU allow him to be in your life. I hope each one of you give yourselves the gift of his “Mystical Being” in your life. I sincerely hope you Allow the magic to touch you, the way it has impacted many, many people (and animals) that he’s helped and transformed.

With my very best wishes,

Anita K. Chathadi

MBA, MPA ( University of Michigan )

July 22, 2023

Dear Reader, My name is Ann Van de Winckel. I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, in the Medical School at the University of Minnesota, USA. I am also the Director of the Brain Body Mind Lab. In my lab, we investigate the effects of mind-body approaches (such as Qigong, which is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and body awareness therapies) to improve the quality of life in adults with neurological disorders and chronic pain. We perform clinical trials and investigate the mechanisms of these mind-body approaches using brain imaging. I also teach physical therapy and PhD students and mentor Master and PhD students.

I had the great Honor and great Privilege of meeting Marc Noël for the first time 22 years ago when I was a PhD student in the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences at the KU Leuven in Belgium. Early on after meeting him and since, Marc Noël has impacted my life on all levels, in mind-blowing ways. As a specific example in my professional life, he impacted the course of my PhD defense in such a profound way that it has been the foundation of my life mission and the work I do today as a University faculty member. I was asked to present some topics at my PhD defense that show that the PhD candidate’s focus expands beyond the narrow scope of the PhD research. With Marc Noël’s guidance and support, I chose the topic “The medicine of the future is a combination of the best of Western, Eastern, and Complementary and Integrative Medicine”. This was in 1998 when most scientists in Belgium (and in the rest of the Western world) were not yet open to hearing or believing that treatments other than allopathic (Western) medicine were effective or even ‘real’. At that time, Eastern mind-body approaches, as well as complementary and integrative medicine, were often seen as ‘woowoo’. Marc Noël asked me “Are you sure you want to go on this path”? I said “Yes” and felt this answer at the core of my being. During the PhD defense, I found the jury members to be skeptical and critical at first, but very soon, something shifted and a whole new level of conversation happened, even between them, that felt like a mindset shift in them and an openness to this idea.

The guidance of Marc Noël since then and the steps I took that day led me to continue my academic path in this direction and led me to the research I am carrying out as Director of the Brain Body Mind Lab today. Marc Noël has continued to guide me in my academic career. For example, in my research, he explained and showed me very clearly what mind-body approaches such as Qigong are at a deep level. He has also taught me how to feel subtle energy (i.e., Chi) and how it helps with healing.

With Marc Noël’s guidance, I see results in my clinical trials that I first did not think were possible, based on my physical therapy and PhD education. For example, we saw significant pain relief in adults with spinal cord injury and neuropathic pain after improving body awareness. This happened even in people who suffered for decades from intense neuropathic pain. Their mindset on life also changed, and they became happier, calmer, centered, and present in the moment. These improvements benefited their interactions with their family members. Additionally, the participants had long-standing sensorimotor impairments from spinal cord injuries. In many cases, the spinal cord injury had happened decades earlier, and they now could feel and move their limbs and trunk better even if the diagnosis at the start of the research was complete paralysis below the level of the spine lesion. This sensorimotor improvement was something that I was taught to be impossible from 1 year after spinal cord injury onset. Thanks to the guidance of Marc Noël, practitioners (doctors, nurses, therapists, …) who have seen these results in the research participants have now changed their own mindset. They are no longer saying that “It is impossible” to improve sensation, movement, or neuropathic pain when patients with a complete spinal cord injury come into their clinical practice. This is just one example of how Marc Noël’s guidance is changing clinical practice in the United States for clinical providers and for patients.

Marc Noël has a wonderful way of teaching so that messages are always clear, simple, easy, and fun. He guides me in applying and integrating his teachings first to myself before explaining them to and sharing them with others. His teaching and guidance have helped me immensely to improve my writing of manuscripts and grants for research, to make my message clear on how it will serve the community and patients. His guidance has helped me become better in every way, as a teacher for physical therapy and PhD students, a mentor for graduate students, a researcher, and a leader of my research team, through connecting with them more deeply and learning to communicate at a higher level with them. I have also experienced changes in my own academic work, by noticing that work is moving forward with much more ease, flow, and focus; solutions are presented in a clear way; work is done more efficiently; and communications with other colleagues and leadership are clear and harmonious.

Marc Noël’s impact also touches structures and organizations. On many occasions, I have seen him interact with employees and employers of different management levels in companies. I have had the honor to see firsthand how people who had the pleasure of meeting Marc Noël transformed in front of my eyes, which in turn impacted their lives, families, and the company structure and functioning for the better.

Marc Noël, of course, also does miraculous healings daily in his practice. I have first-hand experience with the immediate healing of an ankle fracture in a millisecond after sending him a text message for help. This distance healing was demonstrated by X-ray afterward: the bone looked like it had never been fractured. The doctor was completely perplexed given that he had clearly seen the fracture on X-ray going all the way through the bone before the healing. Many of my family members, friends, and acquaintances have shared with me how Marc Noël has helped them on all levels as well (physical, emotional, mental, communication, parenting, etc.).

On a personal level, I have had the opportunity to grow so much thanks to Marc Noël. He is a Master at shining awareness and explaining (un)conscious mental programs so that I can decide to make another choice and live in the full power of my being. Thanks to Marc Noël, I let go of many old beliefs and concepts and have grown in self-love, self-respect, and self-worth. I have a deep drive and need to continuously grow. I also learned that these steps that I take for myself are crucial, and the foundation for serving others in my personal and professional life.

I am so immensely grateful to Marc Noël. He will always do whatever it takes to help us live to our full potential and be in full power. He does this by showing how he lives his life and through BEing what he teaches (“actions/being” and “words” are one). He guides us with unconditional love, patience, benevolence, nonjudgment, and indomitable drive for his missions in life. Being part of the teams that Marc Noël is leading is also helping me learn more about myself by observing the evolution of other team members and their learning processes and, for that, I am also grateful.

When I first met Marc Noël 22 years ago, I immediately knew and felt in the core of my being that he was someone I had been looking for all my life. Among the many roles and significance in my life, he is a Guide to help me continuously grow on a personal and professional level. Since meeting him that day, Marc Noël’s guidance has changed my life completely for the better on all levels. Marc Noël has unlimited wisdom and knowledge and so much more I am not aware of. In all those years, all my questions have been answered with clarity on levels much deeper than I could have ever envisioned, and in a way that is easy to understand and pass on to others.

My life as I live it now is beyond what I could have ever imagined and that is all thanks to Marc Noël. My life mission is to live with integrity and serve the medical community by bridging the best of all types of medicine (Western, Eastern, Complementary and Integrative Medicine) in my research and to bring this to the academic world and hospitals/clinics. My other mission, together with other team members of Marc Noël’s team, is to help create a New Medicine for the benefit of humanity.

Whoever has the chance and privilege to meet Marc Noël, who has a request for his guidance with specific projects or goals, and who is ready to invest 100% in themselves and their goals, will find that Life will never be the same again; it will be better on all levels. When Marc Noël commits to projects, he will always do whatever it takes for the facilitation and success of the projects, so that it benefits all parties involved.

Having Marc Noël in my life and receiving his guidance in my personal and professional life are the most beautiful Gifts I have ever received in my life. I shared with you a glimpse of the many gifts I have received, so that you too, may choose to open a new door, one that leads to allowing yourself to Live Life for the Better, thanks to Marc Noël’s guidance, and I assure you, it will be beyond your imagination.

With deep gratitude,

Ann Van de Winckel


Associate of Marc Noël, Fushigina Choowa SRL

Assistant Professor, Division of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science

Director, Brain Body Mind Lab

Department of Family Medicine and Community Health

Medical School, University of Minnesota

420 Delaware St SE (MMC388), Minneapolis, MN 55455

Email : [email protected], Phone : 612-625-1191; Cell : 612-406-2500 FAX : 612-625-727

Endorsement for Marc Noel July 23/23

It gives me great pleasure to write this note regarding my experience knowing Marc Noel. My name is Artee Anjali Srivastava and I am a Family/Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner. My career began in the field of diabetes when I worked at the Joslin Diabetes Centre in Boston MA USA in Adult Diabetes for six years. After that I moved to NYC and worked at New York Presbyterian hospital Cornell/Beth Israel hospital in Pediatric Diabetes and Gestational Diabetes. I moved back to my home of Toronto Canada at the end of 2009 and have worked at UHN and the Hospital For Sick Children with patients with diabetes and multiple sclerosis. I am currently working with patients who sustain concussion and experience persisting symptoms even years after their injury. My patients suffer immensely and have mental health issues as well as cognitive impairment and physical ailments such as headaches and whiplash.

I met Marc Noel via Muneesh Tewari. Within a few weeks of moving to Boston back in the year 2000, I met Muneesh and he has become one of my closest friends and is like a brother to me. He met Marc several years ago and told me about him right away. As time progressed, I began to notice a very positive shift in Muneesh and have continued to see this throughout the years. He has transformed spiritually and it is truly remarkable!

I had surgery in 2022 and Muneesh had called me to see how I was doing. I told him that I was doing well overall but was in a lot of pain. He said that he would ask Marc to facilitate a speedy healing process for me. As soon as I got off the phone with Muneesh, my pain had completely vanished! I was stunned and expected it to come back. The pain never did and I healed very quickly. That was the first time I experienced the power of healing via Marc Noel.

I finally got the opportunity to meet Marc via a Zoom call at the end of April 2023. This call has literally changed my life.

During the call with Marc, I became fully aware of the effect of thoughts and feelings on well being and how important perspective is to healing in any situation. Any event that we perceive as negative is actually positive as it makes us who we are. Marc was very patient and kind and spent extra time with me on the call, answering all of my questions. He made me realize that there are NO LIMITS to what we can do, despite society telling us otherwise. He told me that I was only steps away from profound spiritual growth. I made a personal commitment to myself after this call. I left the call knowing that I would be able to utilize the tools he had taught me in my personal and professional life. I would finally have the chance to live the life that I fully imagined and dreamed of! !

Since the call with Marc a few months ago, I have experienced an awareness, an awakening that I have not had before. I have been able to counsel my patients who have anxiety and depression post concussion to relieve their suffering. Connecting with patients on a spiritual, human level goes a long way to facilitating their healing. I have been able to counsel family members who are struggling internally as well.

I look forward to what the future holds and know that everything will manifest in peace and harmony. A commitment to spiritual development each and every day is essential and Marc Noel has assisted me on this path ! ! ! Words cannot express how grateful I am to Marc Noel. Thank you Marc ! !

With much Love,

Artee A. Srivastava


I am Chandan Bhambhani, a scientist at University of Michigan, USA, interested in using the knowledge I have gained through my education and experiences to help make advances in field of cancer detection and cancer treatment. Some of the personal childhood experiences of losing loved ones to cancer, led to a journey of learning more about the mechanisms of how cancer develops, and how scientific research can contribute to catching it early or improving the quality of life of individuals dealing with it.

Growing up as a teenager, I was surrounded by friends, family members and other professionals like teachers, doctors etc., but did not really know what a work environment is like, since most of my time was spent in school and classes. As I was getting through college, I thought that I was getting to know myself very well – that person who I saw when I looked in the mirror. As I graduated from college and started to work with teams both as an active member and a supervisor, I discovered a side of me which wanted to understand people better in the work environment – an experience completely unique since it involved aspects which I was previously unaware of, including being responsible for the life and career of others. And that helped me learn about a different side of me as a human being, who could connect with people, who was loved and respected by some while hated and disrespected by some. I also discovered what aspects about ‘me’ were liked by some, while disliked by some, and how important this validation from others was, for me as a person. When I joined the role of a senior scientist at the University of Michigan at the age of 42, I felt that I had evolved as a person, and was greatly confident about how self-aware I was, and that I had come a long way in knowing the person in the mirror.

And then I met Marc Noel…..

I did not meet Marc in person, but Marc was there with his healing energies, helping me get through a difficult phase. As I started getting more of those energies in so many different forms, it was not long before I looked in the mirror and realized – the me who I always thought was me, was just an embodiment of me. The real ‘ME’ was yet to be discovered, the ‘ME’ who did not have a form, a shape, a face, or anything I have ever seen or imagined. The real ‘ME’ was the feeling of love, the feeling you experience when you drink cold water on a hot day, the feeling when you smile when you wake up on a sunny morning, the feeling when you get a hug from a loved one, the feeling when you have been given the best news you ever got, the feeling when you sit by a calm river hearing the birds chirp and the water flow, the feeling when you get a massage which alleviates the pain in all the aching joints, the feeling when you take a deep breath of clean air in a park early in the morning…. Marc’s love, positivity and perhaps forms of energies which don’t have a name, came through my mentor Dr. Muneesh Tewari. Thank YOU, Muneesh and Marc! When I looked into the mirror, I started seeing glimpses of the real ‘ME’, which was just a ‘BEING’ who lived in the present, and was able to recognize, acknowledge and think beyond the programming of the mind which had happened as I was growing up, adapting, absorbing and learning to give it a face and a name. Marc’s teachings made me realize that the individual that I was able to see in the mirror was just my ego – a protective instinct, and sometimes a resistance, which wants to establish my physical being and ensure survival. And when Marc touched my life, the biggest impact was the realization that the real ‘ME’ was not as scared, desperate, stressed, or defensive due to the survival instincts. It made me value life as a marvel of nature, count my blessings for what we have been provided with, share the energies with my wife and family members, and thank everything that has a life or not, since it helps the ‘BEING’ in some form or the other. When MARC touched my life - it set me on a path to be free.

The very fact that YOU are reading this- means Marc has now touched your life……

Chandan Bhambhani


Research Lab Specialist

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

United States of America

July 24, 2023

Hello Dear Reader!

My name is Corinne Gardner. I am a graduate of the University of Virginia School of Nursing. I also have a background in architecture and design, and work as a consultant on design projects related to healthcare.

I am heartened to write an endorsement for Marc Noel, whose grounded presence, commitment to challenge me as an inquisitive facilitator, and to communicate directly from his heart, awakened me to let go and listen to my true inner intuitive compass. In 2022, I attended a seminar given by Marc, which compelled me to continue aligning within, and to present myself authentically as who I am. It also helped me to enthusiastically embrace a life of perpetual selfactualization and evolution. Self-actualization has become an inner gardening practice for me of letting go, letting go, of shedding anything that no longer serves my soul. I now “light up” weaving a life that looks non-linear, connecting seemingly disparate experiences, relationships and intersecting work and educational experiences in architecture, nursing, and group facilitation. I work with co-creators to hold space for young adults to trust they are deserving of pleasure, mindful sexual health experiences, and embodiment in personal or professional lives.

Years ago, two unorthodox life-mentors, Muneesh and Suman Tewari, encouraged me to shift from apologizing for being widely and insatiably curious, to embracing all of who I am as I evolve. I began to wholeheartedly express how my heart shines when I realign with the core of who I am. I let go of resistance and learned to trust again, slow down, and to believe every being also has the inherent capacity to tap into their own authentic alignment throughout every life stage. And, when we are receptive, unconditionally accepting and ready for it, all of the necessary resources and support show up. Muneesh and Suman first introduced me to Marc Noel’s work years ago. In 2022, I joined participants of all ages and backgrounds for Marc’s passionate, engaging, belief-deconstructing and comfort zone-expanding workshop, the Concepts and Constructs Seminar, in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Our time together reminded us to surrender the stories, limiting beliefs and false narratives that we were bringing with us to this experience. I am delighted to be here writing now, with ease, to express my deep care and gratitude for Marc, Suman and Muneesh.

Marc Noel’s guidance, spoken in English and French, has undoubtedly impacted how I show up personally. It was more than coincidental that I was able to let my guard down and experience a breakthrough during his seminar a year ago. Marc brought to my attention, what I already could see for myself, that I have lived a lot of life as a people pleaser. At the same time, I harbored false beliefs about what is needed to be lovable, continuously striving towards achievements where I had subconsciously convinced myself that I needed to qualify or check off a number of pre-requisites to merit a healthy intimate relationship. I was closing myself off, telling the world outwardly that I was not embodied or receptive to letting someone know who I am intimately. While I knew very well how to live from my head, a powerful event for me was one of the heartopening, firm yet loving conversations I had with Marc where I could see that I am already worthy. That interaction led me to overcome inhibitions about dancing, so I subsequently took up weekly salsa. I dropped pretenses and insecurities and within two weeks of the seminar, as I softened to let love in, I could feel shifts within, and a friendship began to transform into a wonderful mutual, first love.

From a professional lens, Marc Noel’s guidance has been invaluable. Through what I have learned from Marc, I have allowed myself to take off my ‘work hat’ to engage in conversations with people from all walks of life, in a fun, creative, expansive and worthwhile way. As I have worked as a designer and nurse-in-training, merging these fields, I come back to a core motivation that every being wants to feel in alignment. Physical spaces can also be conducive to creating environments where we feel, however messy and imperfect human life can be, that our lives are worth living. Marc’s guidance has helped me co-facilitate meetings with people who come from varying backgrounds, such as clinicians, engineers, architects or infectious disease experts. When a team comes together, changes, miscommunicates, or needs clarification about unmet needs of business partners in evolving projects, I have pulled from our seminar learnings with Marc and other participants.

From the heart, I express that Marc Noel embodies a spirit who is committed to his own evolution and thereby teaches by example. He invites us to disrupt patterns of thinking where that is needed to help our souls light up about our true passions. If you are intrigued by what I have shared, I encourage you to take the opportunity to reach out to Marc! Thank you so much for reading.

With deep caring and gratitude,

Corinne Gardner


Training to become a trauma-informed nurse. Designer. Human Connector.

University of Virginia

My name is Cynthia Greene and I am a Clinical Social Worker working in this area for 35 years.

I first heard of Marc from my Personal Trainer, Johnny Miller. My interest was immediately sparked. I had heard of such beings before, and was hoping for help, as I had been plagued by symptoms of chronic migraine headaches. It took a very long time for me to reach out to Marc, as I was feeling intimidated. Then Johnny told me that Marc was coming to give a seminar in Ann Arbor, Michigan in the summer of 2022, which I attended! I was so happy and delivered a beautiful bounty of flowers for the seminar room! I was able to also have an individual healing session with Marc when he visited in Ann Arbor and another one this spring (2023) in Minneapolis.

My current position is to provide psychotherapy services at a local clinic and in private practice. My specialties include treatment of trauma, grief, post-partum adjustment, anxiety and depression, and sexual dysfunctions. Recently, I have also been interested in the use of Psychedelic medicines and am getting some training. I currently have a majority of young women in my practice. What a privilege to make an impact in this growthful age. I am most fond of therapy techniques that engage the human nervous system in its entirety, “neuro-biological co-regulation.”

I have been neuro-biologically co-regulated by Mr. Nöel! My neural net was upgraded! This seems to be evidenced primarily by an improvement in my ability to stay present with my clients. I am more able to keep my own agenda out of the way. Being in the moment, to connect in acceptance, and helping them to become their own self-healers, is a beautiful thing. As Johnny says, “don’t resist their resistance.”

With regard to how Marc has enriched my personal life, I struggle to find the words. The migraine headache symptoms have improved for sure, as I feel more relaxed and secure in myself. I have a deeper sense of Gratitude for the privilege of even meeting him, for the opportunity to accelerate my growth and healing, and to thrive in the Love connection to him and others and the planet.

As a person who has had interest in the Spiritual, even the Shamanic, since a very young age, my new connection with Mr. Noel seems to be opening new channels in my awareness, or maybe enhancing what is already there. I’m feeling into these changes, which are what he calls “upgrades.” I am super committed to accelerating the Human Potential for Enlightenment, even if that means just loving where I am, and others are at in the moment.

I am ready to keep improving my skills. I sense that I was recently blessed to start trying some hands-on healing or thoughts-on energy healing. It’s definitely a new edge for me.

I am so grateful to have met Marc, and for all the growth and healing he has facilitated for me!

Respectfully and Lovingly Submitted,

Cynthia Greene


My experience with Marc Noel has changed my life completely, and the ripple effect of this change has impacted the lives of so many people from around the world, that I find it hard to put into words just how miraculous this entire experience has been.

My Name is Johnny Miller and I work as a Corrective Exercise Specialist in the USA. I was introduced to Marc when I was at the lowest point of my life. I had spent 20 years teaching health and wellness only to become severely sick with an autoimmune condition that my doctors were not able to find a solution for.

When I first spoke with Marc he assured me that my body could heal. However, he also shared with me that my energy, my life force, my vibration had become so low that he was unable to reach me, and that I would need to allow my vibration to come back up if I was going to heal. At that time a lot of what Marc shared with me went over my head. It wasn’t until my condition had become much worse a year later, that I began to understand what he was trying to tell me. Our fears, our guilt, shame and anger,” Our “RESISTANCE “, plays a far bigger role when it comes to our health than I could have ever imagined. However, from where I sit now it is extremely obvious.

My journey with Marc has completely changed the way I live my life, and the results of this have been nothing short of a miracle, my health has turned around both physically and mentally and my life is the best it has ever been. Since my recovery, I have returned to my work, and I have found that there is a common thread between myself, and all others who suffer with dis-ease. When this thread is recognized and accepted without judgement or resistance, healing seems to be miraculous. I’m not sure how to describe the work that I now do. Many times I’m not even sure what it is that I am doing for people. What I am sure of is that people’s lives are changing for the better, and in many cases conditions that were once unmanageable are no longer an issue.

Of all the tools and therapies I have acquired over the years for working with my clients, they all take a “back seat” to what I have learned from Marc. A person’s energy makes all the difference as to whether or not they will recover. When I'm able to assist people in making a shift from resistance to acceptance, not just toward their disease, but toward life, then my tools and therapies are far more effective, and in some cases the therapies are not even necessary.

As health professionals we cannot overlook this aspect of health. Looking back at my career over the last 20 years it is glaringly obvious to me why I was able to help the people that I was able to help. And it is also obvious why I was not able to help the people that I was not able to help.

The connections we create, and the energy we share with our patients and clients goes two ways and it is far more powerful than I had ever realized. Our intentions and the energy we carry when working with people seems to make a difference far greater than the current medical establishment recognizes. It is my belief that simply becoming aware of the nature of energy and how it influences every aspect of life is enough to make a powerful change in how we move forward.

For me, my illness has become my greatest blessing. Thanks to Marc Noel, I would not trade my experience for the world. Many people will not understand this, and I'm not sure I would have either, had I not lived through it. If you are being presented with an opportunity to work with Marc, I highly recommend you take it. It is likely not by chance.


Johnny Miller

Corrective Exercise Specialist

Heal Fitness

Jackson, MI USA

Endorsement for Marc Noël

I, Kewal Tewari, am a retired professor. I taught chemistry and also worked as a lab manager. I heard about Marc Noël from my son, Dr. Muneesh Tewari, who later facilitated my physical contact with Marc by arranging a seminar in Ann Arbor, Michigan that I attended. About two years earlier my wife had a stroke from which she recovered completely and miraculously within hours, in which, I believe, Marc Noel played a part in remotely healing her through mind.

Modern science, even though it has progressed tremendously to afford us a comfortable and affluent living, it yet lacks the working understanding of the potential of mind. The Indian culture in which I was raised believes in the power of the mind to do miracles. There are recent writings in which they talk about miraculous incidents like telepathy, and foreseeing incidents that have yet to happen. I believe that what Marc Noël is doing is a pioneering work which needs encouragement and investment because the benefits of his work to humanity will be immense.

July 26, 2023

Kewal Tewari


My name is Kirthan Shenoy. I am a life sciences professional living in Windsor, Canada. A scientist by training with early career experience in research and development, I transitioned to working in information systems-based roles in the life science industry. I was introduced to Marc Noel by Prof. Muneesh. It is through him that I received the gift of ‘connecting’ with Marc and today, it is truly an honor to share my experience.

Over the years, one thing that has remained constant in my professional work is that it has required collaboration with many internal and external team members. There are numerous ways in which Marc and his teachings have helped me deal with certain aspects of these interactions at work and one that I remind myself of every single day is “get comfortable being uncomfortable”. This thought has really helped me deal with uncertain and anxious situations in my professional work with this new-found ability to look at things in a totally new light. It has completely shifted the way I interact with people, slowly letting go of my fears and instilling a new confidence in me for which I am beyond thankful.

When Prof. Muneesh introduced me to Marc, I was at a point in my life when a lot of things were going sideways in my personal life, and I was really looking for a sign from the universe. I vividly remember wishing for a miracle. Coming from a religious and spiritual family background there are a lot of learnings and mantras that have been instilled in me over the years which caused me to feel a little conflicted at the start. So yes, it took me sometime to accept Marc’s help but when I did, the transition began. What really motivated me to embrace this with an open mind and heart is the transition I saw in my husband who was also introduced to Marc through Muneesh.

Marc has helped me through some really tough phases in my life – right from my dad’s health to dealing with internal conflicts. Along the way, he has made me significantly more self-aware which has helped me control how I respond and react to situations. He has taught me to count my blessings and be very thankful for the people I have in my life. More recently, I have seen my thoughts manifest in a way that I have never seen before and while I cannot articulate the feeling through words, it can best be described as a warm embrace. This personal transformation is a journey and I know that Marc will be there with me through it all as I keep evolving as a being. I feel truly blessed.


Kirthan Shenoy


My name is Lilly Perdomo. I have a business degree and used to work as a purchasing agent. For the last 12 years I have been a homemaker, caring for my disabled daughter who requires intensive caregiving. The COVID-19 pandemic was very hard on my daughter’s well-being, significantly increasing her anxiety as well as her behavioral issues. The closure of the day program she used to attend to, social isolation and the reduction of medical and therapeutic services, along with her own medical problems, all contributed to her emotional distress. At the same time, caring for her 24/7 under the same circumstances took a toll on my health and I began to experience symptoms of caregiver burnout.

It was during that difficult period in my life that I learned about Marc Noel through a mutual friend. I sent Marc a text message describing my situation and he replied with an emoji. I told my friend about my interaction with Marc and then requested my friend to ask Marc, in person, for advice/help regarding my stressful journey. Marc’s feedback really impressed me and pushed me to dig deep within myself to find my center again. It motivated me to embrace the emotional unease I was feeling and encouraged me to surrender to each moment I was experiencing. With his help, “I stopped resisting” and as a result, I had then renewed energy to care for my daughter and a clear mind to make the right decisions for her well-being. I discovered within myself an enhanced ability to observe my thoughts and emotions which has allowed me to cultivate more equanimity and acceptance and to experience once again the joy of loving unconditionally.

While my daughter and I continue our healing process under this new light, I would like to express my gratitude to Marc for his message, and his love and compassion. He has been a true blessing in our lives! I know we are all bound together by love, but I hope our paths will cross one day.

With love and gratitude,

Lilly Perdomo

Ontario, Canada

Endorsement of Marc Noël

My name is Muneesh Tewari. I am a physician, scientist, and educator living in Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. My primary position is as a Professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Michigan. I lead a laboratory research program focused on developing molecular and digital biomarker approaches for early detection of cancer and infectious and immunologic diseases. I supervise graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in learning how to carry out scientific research, as well as mentor Assistant Professors in my department. Furthermore, I teach clinical medicine to medical students, internal medicine residents, and medical oncology fellows, while working as an attending medical oncologist at the Veterans Affairs Health System. I also have an independent consulting company that provides coaching and consultation to clients in the biotechnology and academic domains.

My interaction with Marc Noël has enriched my professional life in profound ways. I first met Marc out of scientific curiosity, as I had heard about the remarkable, even miraculous results that he was achieving as a therapist. I wanted to understand the basis of his healing. Within the first 15 minutes of that meeting, it became clear to me that what Marc is doing as a therapist is beyond the limits of the current understanding and paradigms of modern medical science. Since then, I have directly observed Marc achieve healing of people with medical conditions that had been intractable to standard medical treatments. One example I participated in was a woman with a neurological condition who came into the treatment session barely able to walk even with crutches, who after a one-hour session walked out of the room with a normal gait, carrying her crutches in her hands. Another time, I saw that a man who had a paralyzed hand due to a spinal cord injury several years before, was able to move his hand after a onehour session with Marc. Within my own family, Marc has helped many people have wonderful, amazing healings including my mother, for whom he facilitated a miraculous recovery from a major stroke within just 24 hours. These are just a few of many examples that I have come to know about first-hand. And I have also learned how important the thoughts, perceptions and free will of the patient are to the healing process.

My learnings from Marc Noël have profoundly enriched me as a physician, scientist, and educator of future physicians and scientists. I approach my work as a physician completely differently now. My practice of allopathic medicine as a medical oncologist has become infused with the teachings of Marc, including the importance of respect for free will, and the power of bienveillance and unconditional love in the healing process. It has also had a profound impact on my teaching of physicians- and oncologistsin- training. I now teach at a much deeper level how to communicate with patients in a way that creates mutual respect, that builds a connection with patients that is so important in the healing process, and which feeds and energizes the physician as well. And my worldview as a scientist has also been transformed, as I now see that there is so much beyond the current paradigms of science. I see that there is a wonderful opportunity for a quantum leap in medical science, because I have seen many things that I previously thought were impossible, are in fact possible, even though they cannot yet be explained by science.

My relationships, both professional and personal, have been enriched, even transformed, as a result of what I have learned from my interactions with Marc Noël. At my workplace, my interactions with my team, with administrative staff, and even with leadership have been raised to a much higher level, such that I enjoy harmony and increased productivity, and a new climate and environment in my team in which our interactions feed each other. And as I have applied Marc’s teachings at home, they have brought a new level of harmony into my relationships with my wife, children and extended family that I could not even have imagined before meeting Marc. Through all of this, I have grown tremendously as a person, in my ability to communicate, to be productive, and most importantly in my ability to be happy and give that happiness to others.

Today, I have the honor and the privilege to be here to share all this with you, knowing that what I have presented to you above can be mind-boggling…One day I was there, one day my brain said to me…please don’t go there!

Today, I would like you to go to that part of your brain and ask, just if it is for five minutes, to shut up, and give your whole being that opportunity to live what I live today, as a professional but also on a personal basis. Today, I’ve given you that opportunity to enter that world based on pure science, based on living proof!

Today, the choice is yours…

With my deepest and utmost respect,

Muneesh Tewari


My name is Prem Misra. I work as a general dentist in Farmington Hills, Michigan, USA. In my practice, I work with patients of all ages, and provide a wide range of dental services, including emergency care, routine exams, restorative dentistry procedures, implant restoration, and preventative care.

I got connected with Marc Noel through my sister, Suman Tewari, and my brother-in-law, Muneesh Tewari. At a professional level, I have benefited greatly over the past year by applying Marc’s teachings that they have “passed forward” to me. They have explained to me the concept of “is-ness”, of staying in the present moment, and always being my best. Practicing this has made me feel much, much better as a practitioner at my workplace. I feel that I give better care now, as I have a better relationship with my patients. I understand them and what they want better, and I feel that because we connect better, they are more likely to accept my care. Things have overall gotten so much smoother at work, and even my technical results as a dentist are better!

At a personal level, I have experienced physical healing facilitated by Marc. For 2 years I had suffered from plantar fasciitis of my left heel, which left me with an 8-9/10 severity level of pain every day. It was debilitating and limiting my life at home and at work. I had of course undergone a wide range of standard treatments through my physician and podiatrist, including many steroid injections, oral anti-inflammatory agents, and orthotic foot inserts. Nothing was really helping, as all of these interventions hardly made any difference in relieving my pain.

Then, upon speaking with Suman and Muneesh, they suggested I connect with Marc Noel for help with healing my foot. I communicated with Marc by text in April 2022. I learned that Marc had sent me remote healing from Belgium, and that it was up to me to accept it or not. And after I said to myself ‘I accept this healing’, within 24 hours to my surprise I started feeling better. I still wasn’t sure if it was ‘all in my head’, but then a few days later, I travelled to Florida and noticed that my pain level was only 2/10, even at its worst, and without my having done anything differently. And this was even after I had been on my feet all day long, walking at amusement parks for five days in a row! At this point, I truly believe my pain relief has been sustained due to Marc’s healing energy sent to me, along with the mindset work I have done to evolve spiritually. I now live a healthy life not limited by pain anymore!

I have shared with you what worked for me. I would highly recommend anyone who is dealing with a difficult problem, especially when everything that has been tried is not working, to please reach out to Marc!!

Wishing you all good luck and great success,

Prem L. Misra


My name is Rita Saltarelli. I am a mom of 3, wife to my husband of 12 years and active in my community. I am a registered nurse and have been practicing for 12 years in critical care, emergency medicine and endoscopy. I earned multiple certifications as a nurse in each specialty and enjoy research, learning and putting evidence-based interventions in action for people with a variety of medical issues. When I was diagnosed with a rare, aggressive metastatic breast cancer I sought out the world’s leading specialists and developed a plan to aggressively treat my disease. Despite this, I had doubts about my ability to heal and overcome this disease.

I met Marc Noel when I was at a low point, physically and mentally regarding my ability to heal and to live with cancer. Marc required openness and honesty from me and in return my mind was opened to possibility, peace with myself and my cancer and a resolve to trust my innate ability to heal. I felt limitless. Marc Noel did not discourage my use of tradi=onal medicine, instead encouraged it as an avenue of healing. I learned that healing was more than the one dimensional, science based interventions I was well versed in. By choosing to open myself to healing in multiple ways, I was able to let go of what was holding me back and embrace unconditional love and thrive during very difficult treatments.

My interaction with Marc Noel has long lasting effects. It is an interaction I have revisited often and hold closely to my heart. With his guidance, I have achieved an excellent response to my treatments. At this time I have no active disease. I am able to enjoy a fairly normal life despite the aggressive treatment I underwent and continue with targeted therapies now with minimal side effects. I am confident my interaction with Marc Noel guided myself to acceptance, healing and living with this cancer. I am grateful to him and inspired by meeting him. I not only endorse Marc Noel but encourage anyone with the opportunity to work with him to consider how their life could change if they look beyond what they can see for a deeper, fuller understanding of life.

Best Regards,

Rita Saltarelli


My name is Sandhi Sharma Sandhir. I was born and brought up in a household with a science and technology background, where we grew up learning to honor ourselves!

I have travelled across multiple countries with my husband and our kids. Being an educator throughout my life, I have been practicing and teaching the holistic Japanese technique of stress reduction called REIKI Healing.

As I see it, anyone can get sick, and healing is not just about not being sick anymore, but it is about how we deal with our sickness and learn from our sickness, evolving along the way. It is choosing to remain in a state of gratitude, true to our being, and compassionate toward ourselves and each other. That’s the shift that Reiki practice brings in me. I firmly believe in the power of Energy.

I got to know about Marc Noël via Muneesh Tewari. Muneesh is my husband’s first cousin, and he is family, like a brother to me. He has shared multiple teachings via zoom with both me and my husband. The wisdom in this quote speaks everything:

“It's not about seeing different things; it's about seeing the same things differently.” - Marc NOËL

My husband experienced some medical issues in 2020. All tests and diagnostics were not able to zero down the actual issue. Currently my husband has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. It’s difficult to explain how my husband feels sick from the inside when he doesn’t always look sick from the outside.

Brother Muneesh guided us towards Marc in our challenging times, and I texted him for his healing and kindness. We experienced positive shifts in our pursuit to overcome our challenges.

I believe Marc Noël’s wisdom and guidance will continue to facilitate us in moving on this journey and overcome difficult times; I am grateful to my brother Muneesh for showing us the path towards Marc and his teachings.

Every moment we have an opportunity to grow and connect with the practical teachings of people like Marc Noël. The journey is not easy, however learning and practicing with the right tools and resources will make it a pleasant one.

For all the readers I can personally say that the way we experience life comes from the mental framework that we practice every single day. And we as a family are practicing and living with this thought in our minds. One must never stop believing in the power of healing.

I really wish to meet Marc Noël in person someday. I thank him with all my heart for how he has stood with us from that far away.

Have a peaceful day everyone and happy healing,

Sandhi Sharma Sandhir

My name is Sara Bottale, and I am a Physical Therapist (PT) specialized in Neurorehabilitation. I have my own clinical practice in Genoa, Italy and I work treating patients with neurological disorders and disabilities after spinal cord and brain injuries, or people with neuropathic and chronic pain that does not respond to medications or traditional physical therapy treatments. I collaborate with the University of Minnesota as a Research Assistant in the role of a PT specialized in CMR (Cognitive Multisensory Rehabilitation) at Dr. Ann Van de Winckel's Brain Body Mind Lab. I am the representative referral for the Liguria GIS FNN of AIFI (Liguria region Group of Scientific Interest of Neurological Physical Therapy and Neuroscience of the Italian Association of Physical Therapists). I also collaborate in research on clinical practice with the Study Center for Cognitive Multisensory Rehabilitation of Villa Miari, Italy.

My personal and professional growing journey with Marc Noël began in 2021. I met Marc through Ann, my boss for the research project in Minnesota. Seeing in Ann an extraordinary kindness and humanity in relating to patients and people including myself, an ability to 'see beyond' things as they appear, and an integrative, scientific and spiritual approach in her job, I asked her how she had gotten to such a high level in her career and personal growth and she told me that Marc Noël, many years earlier, had changed her life. In 2021 I was going through a dark and difficult period in my personal life, and I was psychologically destroyed and not healthy. I was in Ann's office alone and I decided to ask for help before my problems would begin interfering with my job. I thought to myself, silently, looking to a framed picture of Marc that was in Ann’s office: "Hi Marc, Ann said many times that you made an extraordinary impact in her life, so if you really can heal or help and you can listen to me, please give me a tangible sign. And if you can, please help me”. After these words, I laughed thinking I had gone crazy talking to a picture of a man I had never met before... and I went home. The next day I arrived at work, and on the door of the Brain Body Mind Lab I saw a sheet hanging on the door with a smiling face and this phrase: "if you're looking for a sign, this is it J ". I ran to Ann’s office to ask who had hung that sheet and she said: “I got a text from Marc, and he told me to print out that sheet and hang it in the lab where you work, why?''. That was my first contact with Marc. In a weird way, that of course blew my mind. The days after, I started to communicate ‘in silence’ with Marc, asking for support and help with my working project with patients and my personal life as well. From that moment, I felt guided in seeing things differently, about my career and patients, about my relationships, about how I had lived my life until that moment. And my healing journey started. In April 2022 I met Marc for the first time in person, during one of his seminars in Arizona, USA. On that occasion, in two days I started a personal process of healing from various traumas and psychological mechanisms that were limiting my mind, my living, and my happiness and serenity and well-being as a person. That meeting made an impact on my life and on a decision that I made thereafter, that have significantly improved the quality of my life in every domain.

At a professional level, I achieved success in my career. First, I developed my potential as a healthcare practitioner, and I’ve obtained amazing results with patients that overcame my expectation over what I would have ever considered possible. All my patients with brain and spinal cord injury recovered some motor and sensory functions and pain relief. A few examples are a person who stood up for the first time after 4 years in a wheelchair after a spinal cord injury, another one who walked for the first time with a walker after multiple years in a wheelchair. Several of my patients with complete spinal cord injury began to have some muscle recruitments or restoration of sensory functions below the level of injury, also many years after the injury had happened. Or another person who in addition to healing from neuropathic pain resistant to drugs, also healed a psoriasis he has had for 3 years, for which he had not found an effective remedy, despite trying everything.

Many of my patients began to see relief beyond pain, sensory or motor function - also in their personal life: they started a process of healing by also elaborating traumas, they started to see their disability differently and their quality of life has improved in every aspect.

My career has completely changed, from years ago when I was an insecure and ordinary physical therapist, to today that I am a professional who guides the healing process in the broadest sense of the term, harmonizing the synergy between the brain, the body, and the mind.

In addition to being a physical therapist, I’m the Italian representative for CMR teachings in the United States. I teach CMR neuro-rehabilitation training courses for physical and occupational therapists organized by the University of Minnesota to spread CMR method into United States.

This year I’ve been named the representative referral for AIFI (Association of Italian Physical Therapists) for the GIS FNN (Group of Scientific Interest of Neurological Physical Therapy and Neuroscience), and I have the role of proposing initiatives to train health professionals and improve the quality of the medical and healthcare systems in Liguria (the region where I live).

Marc’s impact in my career has facilitated me in achieving more recognition and prestige in the medical field, giving me the opportunity to increase my relationships with doctors, physicians, coworkers, students, and patients. Nowadays, I have bigger plans than I could have ever dreamed of for myself and for my career.

At a personal level, I thank Marc so much for giving me the tools to take care and heal myself first, and consequently, for how this process of healing made and is still making a positive impact on the people around me: I found a harmonious psychological health and I improved my communication and the quality of my family, friends, romantic and working relationships.

He taught me to see beyond what the limited mind can let see and I allowed myself in deserving professional and financial success, love from others and happiness. I found the constancy and the courage to push myself to look within, to know and accept myself deeply, and to have the strength and the determination needed to make important decisions that may initially be considered ‘too hard for me’. Above all, he changed my life in facilitating me to believe in myself, increase my self-confidence and build more solid roots to become “A very important person from Italy” as he said years ago. I’ve learnt how to handle emotions like anger and frustration and to recognize the psychological patterns that can trigger them. I know who I am more deeply, and I’m taking the full responsibility of what I say and what I do, without blaming others. I’m finally respecting the free will of people I’m interacting with, which has been one of the most important teachings. I am grateful to Marc for who I am today, accepting who I have been without judgment, and embracing my new way of living the present moment as harmoniously as possible, with awareness, and love for myself and for others.

To those who will read, I gift this, as a proof of living as a healthcare provider and as a person. I gift my experience as a person who was skeptical at the beginning, but allowed herself to believe, and to turn the word impossible into possible. I’m giving the opportunity to allow yourself to believe with your heart and soul, as I did years ago: the opportunity to be curious and courageous in opening yourself to alternative and integrative methods of healing, which, however much they may not yet be completely understood or considered possible by a part of the scientific/medical world or by the very people who might benefit from them, are of vital importance to the world, to people, and to ourselves.

With my deepest gratitude in writing this endorsement, I thank Marc once again, for contributing and still being by my side in my journey of growth.

With love and profound respect,

Sara Bottale


Endorsement of Marc Noël

My name is Dr. Shwetal Mehta and I am a scientist working in a non-profit research institute in Phoenix, Arizona. I lead a research program focused on identifying new treatments that can benefit brain cancer patients and increase their life expectancy. I also mentor and supervise graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, junior scientists, residents, and undergraduate students.

I had heard about Marc Noël from Dr. Ann Van de Winckel several years ago and was fascinated about how he had helped people in ways that my mind could not comprehend. I had not interacted with Marc until two years ago, when my mother was diagnosed with aggressive cancer. Being a cancer researcher myself, the need to figure out the best treatment options and what could be done to make sure I could give my mother a fighting chance was the only thing on my mind. My life and thoughts were completely taken over by my mother’s illness and figuring out how I could help her.

During that time, when I was really struggling to grapple with this harsh reality, I had a call with one of my close friends Dr. Muneesh Tewari, who suggested that I message Marc. I have known Muneesh for a long time and have witnessed his spiritual and personal growth over the past several years. Muneesh told me about instances when Marc had helped people close to him. One day when I was sitting next to my mom, who had just undergone a major surgery with a big open question of when the cancer would recur, I decided to message Marc. I received a single text back from Marc saying “Believe”. That single word somehow gave me confidence and faith that things will be ok. My mom was able to recover from the surgery and pathology results at the time suggested there were no more cancer cells beyond what was removed, and she did not require chemotherapy or radiation. This news was music to my ears and my family was so relieved.

A few months went by, and we found out that my mother’s cancer had returned and started to spread. I had to relocate my mother from India to the US to get her treatment started here. I could not understand what was going on and why the cancer had come back so soon. The day my mother landed in the US, Marc was giving a two-day seminar in Phoenix, which I thought was such a coincidence. I decided to attend the seminar and meet him in person. The in-person seminar and my personal interaction with Marc helped me see that I was trying to interject myself in other people’s lives. I don’t know what my mother’s spiritual path is and what she was here to experience. I was trying to be in the driver seat of her life. Marc told me to ‘just be’ and to not try to force things and control things. That was such a useful lesson that I am trying to live until this day.

Soon after the seminar I accepted the reality that my mom would have to go through chemotherapy and radiation. However, due to changes in her tumor growth she became eligible for the latest, relatively nontoxic treatment. So she did not have to take chemo or radiation for another year. A couple of months ago, my mom deteriorated and had stopped responding to treatment. It was unbearable for me to see her in pain, and I felt helpless. I messaged Marc again to get his support. As always, Marc responded promptly. He told me that I should let her go. I did not understand what he meant, as mentally I was ready for her to transition, but emotionally, I wasn’t. He also told me that I must give her permission to go. I felt that Marc was helping me during those days and moments when she was transitioning. I am not sure what and how he does things. But what I can attest to is that I felt at peace when my mother passed even though I am still grieving her loss. I am thankful to Marc for guiding me during these tough last two years.

Today, I have this opportunity to share my experience working with Marc Noël with you all. I hope you are also able to benefit as I did.


Shwetal Mehta


My name is Stephen Harris and I currently live in Mullumbimby, Australia. I am 65 years of age and currently have taken a year off to travel and study Shamanism. I am essentially a creative majoring in art in secondary school. I went on to study Architecture until I realised that music was what I most enjoyed doing. As a self-taught musician, I worked professionally for over 15 years playing electric bass guitar with various artists in Australia. With a new family I then decided to move into Information Technology and music took a part-time role in my life for the next 30 years. I now work in several roles which include server & desktop engineer, system and business administrator, project manager and IT manager for government and commercial organisations.

I reached a point in my life where my health was starting to impact the quality of my life. This was early last year and reached a critical point around June 2022. It was at this time that I followed my intuition to attend a workshop in October 2022, where I first met Cynthia who has since become the love of my life and was also my connection to Marc Noel, as she had been treated by him. Cynthia introduced me to a personal trainer called Johnny Miller who had also received Marc’s healing intervention.

My sense is that Cynthia and Johnny came into my life to help me but I didn’t realise the significance of Marc’s influence until I actually got to meet him. Marc has helped me to really identify where I am in resistance in my life. How I fight negatively with myself and spend a lot more energy than is necessary. I understand now how I have been wasting my energy with unproductive habits. I have learnt to stop just watching life go by.

Through a healing session with Marc in Minnesota, I acknowledged to myself the reluctance I had held to engage with my natural gift of creativity. This has had a profound impact on me and my life since that time. And for me, the miracle of Marc Noel is that, as I have experienced, his healing extends through time and space.

Best Regards,

Stephen Harris

Endorsement of Marc Noël

It is a great honor and privilege for me, Suman Tewari, a holistic gynecologist in the United States of America, to share my thoughts about this ExtraOrdinary, Amazing, Phenomenal, Out of this World, BEING, Marc Noël. Wow Wow Wow….I AM deeply Grateful for his Presence and Guidance in my Life. I was introduced to Marc by my amazing, brilliant, exceptional husband (Dr. Muneesh Tewari) who met him out of his own passion for understanding and helping evolve the human healing process, to help alleviate the suffering of people with diseases, especially cancer.

I remember my husband had returned from meeting Marc for the first time, six years ago, and shared with me that Marc Noël is the “Real Deal”, like no one else he had ever met before and encouraged me to meet with him. I felt a ‘significant shift’ in my husband, did not know what, but felt it to be good and ‘some’ opening in him, and thus felt the need to say yes to meeting Marc Noël. The next thing I knew, I was meeting him 2 days later via skype. OMG, it was a meeting that I could not have predicted. I just know that I felt seen, heard, and revered as the Being I AM. I had many questions, most to do with how to truly help the women that were seeking my services as a physician, as a holistic gynecologist. He answered all my questions, and every step of the way, he encouraged me to allow myself to BE who I am as a woman and share that part with them along with the physician part.

I am deeply grateful to my husband and myself for having said yes to meeting Marc Noël and for becoming his student. As I see it, there is the known and the unknown. Although there is a lot that is known (science, education, experiences,...), there is a lot more that is unknown. The known information can be helpful, but it is limited, and not able to answer many of the questions. The known knowledge can take us only so far, but when it no longer can answer the questions or answer them correctly (which you can feel to be true), that is where Marc Noël’s guidance is much needed, and began for me. I have never met anyone like him. He lives what he teaches, walks his talk, shows what commitment is, and is always in integrity. When he engages with you (the very very very lucky one) on a project, success is guaranteed, because he will do whatever it takes, no matter what, for you to succeed. You will become, evolve into the person that succeeds, grow into the values (discipline, compassion, love, commitment, integrity,...) that are needed to be successful. I am so very very very blessed to have Marc Noël in my life as a guide, as a teacher. I am now ALIVE - Living and Enjoying Life, and sharing my happiness and joy with all.

By working with Marc, I have gained so much professionally. I started my holistic gynecology practice 7 years ago and it has grown every year, including during the years of pandemic, when many practices were struggling and closing. With his guidance, I grow more and more skilled and able to empower my patients to take responsibility for their health, improving their health by taking charge of their mindset and lifestyle choices. I am respected by many other holistic providers, who not only refer their patients to me, but also seek help for themselves and their loved ones. Many providers are now also reaching out to me for guidance in evolving their own professional and personal journey.

I have gained so much personally with Marc’s guidance. As I continue to evolve, by learning and growing in new concepts, all my relationships are improving, especially my relationship with myself and growth in self-confidence. My relationship with my wonderful husband has transformed greatly and my relationship with my kids continues to improve as I am more comfortable with being a mom to teenagers.

I have witnessed miraculous healings with family members that reached out to Marc for his services, for which I am eternally grateful. Here are a few of the many wonderful ways in which Marc has helped my family members. My mother-in-law had a stroke a couple of years ago and she has healed fully. My elder sister had chronic foot pain, which significantly improved with one treatment. My youngest sister sought Marc’s guidance at a seminar 2 years ago and has now manifested her dream job (as an ER physician) and dream life.

Thanks to all of the work I had done with Marc up until late Fall 2021, each of his teachings came to my aid for the following 6 months, as I witnessed my dad’s health worsening and then his dying process. I had one zoom call with Marc, ~12 hours after my dad transitioned and everything I needed to know, and do, became very clear to me, and thus, had no drama or trauma, and then was able to be the stable, strong one to help the rest of the family members process their emotions. For me, my father’s transition was beautiful and peaceful. I have deep gratitude for my father, for everything he did for me his whole life and especially for teaching me about the dying process. I was able to witness this process as a physician and as a daughter, while practicing respect for his free will and loving him unconditionally. One month after my dad’s transition, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer and I was able to do all the necessary biopsy, consults, and treatments with grace and ease.

If there is a desire to evolve, then and only then, commit to your evolution and Marc Noël can help you with this. Your success is guaranteed, because he will hold you accountable to your commitments toward yourSelf and do whatever it takes, no matter what, for you to succeed AND you will become the person that lives the dream you are dreaming of!!! Many times, I pinch myself, because in many many many ways, I am living the dreams that I had once only dreamed. All of my relationships have evolved, and the most evolution has been the relationship with my husband, kids, and patients (the ones that have been very near and dear to me).

The more I apply Marc’s teachings of how to be in this world, the more I evolve and the easier, simpler, and more fun it is to Love and Live Life. As I have been doing this for myself and benefiting greatly, I am able to help others - my family members, friends, patients, everyone I meet that chooses to be enriched.

With deep admiration and gratitude for all that Marc does for everyone, everywhere, and every time…...Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

So today I am ready to pass on the gift that was given to me so many years ago by Marc… Today, I am ready to pass this gift forward that has made me become who I am today… Today, with my whole being I offer this opportunity to YOU to give this gift to yourself and pass it forward to anyone who would be in need…

Yours Sincerely,

Suman Tewari


Holistic Gynecologist

Ann Arbor, MI USA

My name is Sung Won Choi, and I am a pediatric hematologist/oncologist, clinical researcher and Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Michigan Medical School in Ann Arbor, MI, USA. I would like to share below my story of how Marc Noel has profoundly impacted my life, at both a professional and personal level.

For as long as I can remember, I have preferred to keep to myself; to keep my thoughts to myself and my words to myself. When asked, I would respond by saying I lean more toward being an introvert. By nature, I prefer solitude more than crowds and I enjoy quiet time. Even to this day, when I attend work-related meetings, all I would rather do is go back to the hotel room and spend time in the quiet. In this place, I find peace where I can feed my spiritual practice. While this is vital, I have to remind myself, it is for my evolution to go out and connect. Growing up with immigrant parents, I learned to please, to keep all things inward, both the good and the bad, and in all circumstances…to continue moving forward. In fact, outward, I tried to give the impression that I was somewhat of a ‘class clown,’ so as to not draw much attention to my inner self. By being goofy, people would not expect much of me. This split energy has shaped me in strange ways. As a goofy person, I want to do things quickly, and check-off the box… completed! I like to run; I like to win the race–the Hare. When Muneesh, a dear, colleague, and collaborator, reached out to me to participate in a project that Marc Noel was leading, I immediately thought, “Count me in!” But when he explained what my role would be, I slowly began to retreat back into my hard shell–the Tortoise. I wanted to retreat inward. In doing so, I realized that while this reflection piece is ultimately a gift for me, it is about this incredible being, Marc Noel. It is also about the connection with my dear friend, Muneesh–the importance of coming out of one’s shell to develop and nurture high-quality connections.

I was born in Seoul, South Korea, but came to the States shortly after my second birthday. My parents immigrated to Michigan in the early 1970s. Growing up middle class, my parents established two strong pillars: 1) family and 2) education. I have one younger brother and we have both gone on in our adult lives to hold professional careers, marry, and grow our own families. We are also fortunate that our parents are still alive and very much an active part of our lives as well as our children’s lives. Though quite different from one another, my brother and I share these two pillars. We both received excellent education, he went the business route, and I went the medical route. I poured my whole being to get into medical school and it would be accurate to say that I literally squeaked in. Perhaps knowing this, I have always felt deep insecurities about my abilities of becoming a physician and I never entertained of becoming a researcher. Of course, the path taken has surprised me.

After medical school, I went on to complete residency and sub-specialty fellowship training in Pediatrics and Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, respectively. The training has been long yet an incredibly rewarding process. During it, I became a mother and a wife (whose husband is also a physician researcher). Through the years, I have learned to adjust to the challenges of balancing these roles along with my clinical and academic responsibilities. As a physician, it is a privilege to care for individuals diagnosed with cancer and their family members. As a researcher, I am also afforded with the tremendous opportunity to ask questions so that we can better understand these diseases and in some way improve lives (frankly speaking, I am not improving anyone’s lives per se, rather their lives and the research are improving my own). There is no randomness in the sequences of events that have occurred in my life. And it is in this space, in its perfect timing, that I met a dear friend, colleague, and collaborator, Dr. Muneesh Tewari. During a period of intense yearning for something more, for something deeper, Muneesh invited me to a seminar that was going to be led by Marc Noel. I had been hearing Muneesh talk about this extra-terrestrial being, Marc Noel. I felt prompted to attend: 1) for curiosity (who is this Marc Noel?), 2) for a get-away of quiet and rest (in Phoenix, AZ at a beautiful resort), and 3) for some possibility of experiencing something extraordinary. I invited my brother to attend, and we were both on board!

In Phoenix, Arizona (USA), I met Marc Noel. It would be accurate to say that this encounter was and continues to be the gift that keeps giving, a transformative gift for me. In my many years of education and training, I have come to accept there are limits to science or what science can tell us. Who would have ever thought an individual like Sung Choi would become a doctor or a researcher? Based on all calculations, it should have not been possible. Being immersed in a top-notch, high-quality institution where I am faculty, I am surrounded by many individuals who espouse ‘scientism.’ All things can be proved, and rigorous science is based on experiments that are conducted in a lab. But, as a physician, I have seen things that should not have been medically possible, I have seen things that defy our human understanding. There is no scientific proof that there cannot be any miracles in life. With this humbling acceptance, through my chance encounter with Marc Noel, his interaction with one of my family members (and their willingness to meet him) led to their healing. Modern medicine would not be able to define how it happened, but it did…one sequence in a longitudinal series of events led to another. With an open heart, an open mind, Marc Noel has had a tremendous influence and impact in not only my life, but my family’s life also. His messages, his teachings, his art, his paintings– they all offer hope and open doors, if you are willing to venture.

I am an educator, a researcher, and a physician. Accordingly, I have written many letters of recommendation or support to attest to an individual’s academic achievements, professional conduct, and/or job performance. Marc Noel really does not need any of our endorsements. In this exercise, this project, I am again realizing the gift that he is offering all of us. The opportunity to reflect on this journey, the evolution that is constantly happening, and sharing it with those who are willing to receive it. This is a Thank You letter to him, and to a dear friend, colleague, and collaborator, Muneesh, for helping me to come out of my hard shell.

In Deep Gratitude

Sung Won Choi


My Endorsement of Marc Noël

My name is Vijaya Tewari and I am a happy homemaker and now also a grandmother of four. My contact with Marc Noël was through my son, Dr. Muneesh Tewari. I have personally experienced the powerful healing effect of Marc Noël when I had a stroke. Muneesh contacted Marc remotely and Marc said that he was already there with me. Even if he was not present physically, his vibrations were there as per my belief. I recovered miraculously and completely within hours. Modern science may not believe in it, but the consciousness can feel it. As they say, a healthy mind comes with a healthy body. I now believe that the reverse is also true, a healthy body comes with a healthy mind.

Marc Noel’s efforts that emphasize the evolution of consciousness is essential for the modern age, where there are so many conDlicts ongoing worldwide. I am grateful to Marc for his guidance and healing, and I hope that you who are reading this, will also benefit from all that Marc Noël has to offer to you and the world.

July 26, 2023

Vijaya Tewari

B.A., M.A.

August 8, 2023

My name is Yuichiro Takagi. I am Associate Professor at Indiana University School of Medicine. I am a scientist and lead a research program focused on structural molecular biology. I also teach graduate students in coursework that includes cryo-electron microscopy and synthetic biology.

It is my greatest pleasure to endorse Marc Noel as extraordinary individual who possesses a magical power to change one’s life in an unprecedented fashion. I have been very fortunate to be able to meet and work with Marc Noel for the past several years, which has changed my life for better in a profound way. Let me briefly describe my story:

As a faculty member at a respected US medical school, from a distance, I have probably been perceived as a successful individual in my academic career. However, inside, I was struggling with two significant issues, one of which was a drastic up and down nature of my life physically and emotionally; the other was a lack of sense of my mission or goal of my life.

Back in 2018, a good friend of mine, Dr. Muneesh Tewari introduced Marc Noel to me as an energy healer. Dr. Tewari told me that Marc Noel had helped to integrate his body and soul. Intrigued by his experience, I asked if I could meet Mr. Noel. I met Marc Noel in October 2018, which was followed by attending a 3-day seminar that he gave in November 2019. He followed up with myself and other seminar participants weekly for several months during the pandemic in 2020. I clearly recalled that near the end of the seminar, Mr. Noel told us that we could not imagine how much our lives would change for the better.

There were many eye-opening experiences during the seminar, as well as at many other times afterward. However, for me, it was last year that I began to recognize profound changes that had started happening. In short, the two main issues in my life have been resolved in a completely unprecedented fashion that I could not have imagined. What surprised me most was that up and down nature of my life was nothing to do with my mindset or effort or lack thereof but simply attributed to basic medical problem, which was easily addressed and resolved. It was amazing. In addition, I finally found my calling in my life as well. Marc was correct that the engagement with him has changed my life for the better. I credit all these magical changes to Marc Noel.

In closing, I wholeheartedly endorse Marc Noel as extraordinary individual who possesses a magical power to help one change one’s life in an unprecedented fashion.

All the best,

Yuichiro Takagi



 It is an honor, privilege and an unimaginable gift for me to endorse Marc Noël to you through these words, knowing that words cannot fully convey what my rational mind knows, which in itself is dwarfed, by what my heart can only partially sense at this time.

Professionally, I play the role of an Advanced Gastroenterologist sub-specializing in interventional endoscopy, working and taking care of patients in the state of Michigan, USA. One of the ways (there are so many....) that Marc has facilitated my significant professional transformation is by inspiring me to be the "Best of the Best." | understood that for me to play any role in facilitating healing in my patients, I first had to be the "Best of the Best." This was a game changer in my professional evolution, allowing me to take care of my patients at a level that my mind could only have dreamed of previously. All of this, while I learn and improve with use of new technology whilst connecting with patients deeply. This has become the norm rather than an exception and I enjoy the gift of such an experience every day. I am grateful beyond words......

Another example of a significant shift in both professional and personal roles, is how I perceive the world and myself, by living with Personal Responsibility......again a concept that Marc Noël helped guide me to. I am now able to clearly see how one's ego can go into drama and blame external events or people for a given situation, if allowed to do so. I am since learning to take Personal Responsibility without guilt or blame.......an influence that extends harmoniously to my relationships, including my family.

 I can go on and on about how Marc has helped in so many ways.... witnessing "miraculous"

healing of a broken finger right in front of my eyes for example......providing clarity,

reassurance and healing when most needed... inspiring to thrive with color and vitality........

 Marc is indeed a living example who embodies Unconditional Love and Respect for Free

Will.......words the human rational mind cannot fully comprehend. These concepts are to

be experienced. It is with immense pleasure and joy that I give this endorsement, not to

Marc Noël, but to each of you, who would choose to allow the gift of a Life with Infinite


 With Love and Best wishes,

Krishnavel V. Chathadi


Endorsement of Marc Noël

My name is Emilie, I am the wife of Marc Noël.                                     

Professionally, I am currently working as a Customer Care Agent for a big company in Belgium. Through my big passion in life, which are horses, I am also actually developing and now bringing my big passion on a professional level as a physiotherapist for horses (and even dogs). I am also studying to become a vet assistant, and doing a part of my trainings in an Equine Belgian clinic.

There are SO MANY THINGS I could say about my husband Marc Noël… ! I guess it would take pages, and pages, even books in order to share with you my experience and what I have already lived, learned and witnessed through the years living with him. So I will do my best here to share with you a glimpse of Marc Noël, through my eyes and experience…

and I already strongly invite YOU and encourage YOU to embark on A MAGICAL JOURNEY by YOU TOO stepping out of your comfort zone and daring MEETING HIM… I assure you : YOUR LIFE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN ! ! ! YOU WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN ! ! !

In my perception, learning from Marc Noël – and this could be really on any subject – is ALWAYS AN ENRICHMENT, A DISCOVERY & A JOURNEY INTO A NEW DIMENSION !

On a personal level : he has teached me to develop my femininity, to be able to select myself the right clothes and in a very efficient and rapid way – through scanning and feeling when entering a store. He has teached me to feel what is right for me and to follow my intuition. He has always seen the potential inside of me, and he has always been showing and guiding me towards reaching my own potential and inner light. He still teaches me that if I would completely let go of my ego and all my resistance; I will be able to accomplish – live – feel – do things that I would never have imagined existed – it would be way beyond my imagination and new doors and new dimensions would open up for me. With him, I have learned (and still am) that EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE ! Through the years with Marc, I also have learned to take care of myself – on different levels. With him and through his guidance and presence, I have learned to step out of my comfort zone and discover new worlds and dimensions. I have learned to believe in myself and to go for my dreams. Through the being he is, he always shows me to live in the present moment; he always shows me what it is TO JUST BE. He still teaches me to be able to adapt myself to any situation, to follow the flow of life. Through the years with him, I am developing: the Art of Communication, and also becoming stronger on all levels of my being, being and staying grounded and stable in every single situation in life. He confronts me with how big and how much of an ego I still have – and all this without even taking my ego into account. And yes, even to me it can still be disturbing ! But I always know he does this for my own good, that it comes from him without judgment; and that it is always so that I can become a greater version of myself. He always teaches me to go beyond my own fears and limits – that in fact, there are NO LIMITS. He also has teached me to sleep less 😊

On a professional level : he has teached me to talk about facts, and only facts – and to also take notes if necessary. He has teached me communication in various ways, and to be able to speak in public or in front of an audience or jury as well. He has teached me to show others who I am, to be able to take my place and contaminates others through whom I am as well – and also through sharing his teachings. He has teached me to question the rules and that every single being is important, worthy, and has the right to speak – no matter what their title or function is. Through whom he is, I have seen – lived – witnessed what it means to transform people’s life. He has always showed me and teached me what it really takes to take actions towards my goals in life. He has teached me how to work with agendas and calendars, how to make my plannings, how to always become more efficient in everything I do in life. He has showed me and teached me also how to become more productive, to always do more things with less time. He has teached me to become organized in life, in many ways. He teaches me to integrate his teachings through who I am, and then through the human being I am, to share his teachings as well and to transform people’s and animal’s life in my own way as well. He has showed me and teached me what it really means to invest oneself in life. He has teached me to be ALWAYS present at work. To him, there is no such thing as ‘staying at home because that day we don’t feel well – or we don’t feel like it, or…’ NO ! He for sure teaches : what it means to be present, to be committed, to invest oneself, to be disciplined in every situation, to become the very best of the best, to step out of the norm, to always improve oneself.

My husband Marc Noël continuously teaches me that every single being on earth has its own importance and place in life, that every single detail is of great importance as well – everything has to be taken into account, that unconditional love – gratitude – respect – non judgement – being and acting from the heart – letting go of my ego and resistance : are all important keys in life. He is a perpetual teacher of making me aware of the quality of my thoughts, and being responsible in life, that everything is a choice.

On both personal and professional levels, he teaches me healings for horses. He teaches me who are really these divine beings : horses. He teaches me how to communicate with them, how to become A LEADER with them and to them. With my mare, he has also showed me how to prepare her for giving birth to her first foal. Preparing also the foal before coming to this new world on earth. And everything has happened smoothly for both of them. He was physically there as well to help them. He has showed me (and still does) his presence, his leadership, his unconditional love, his guidance for both of them as well. He has also teached me that healing and guidance can also take place from a distance with horses as well. Indeed, I would say that horses are even more responsive to his guidance and healings from a distance – more than humans beings in my perception.

He is a great example of what it means to be CLEAR while speaking, taking actions, etc. He is ALWAYS driven by PASSION – and also by ALL HIS MISSIONS here on earth. Marc Noël is definitely OUT OF THE NORM – OUT OF THIS WORLD. He is a man of words and actions. He ALWAYS does what he says. He ALWAYS walks his talks. He always teaches us from a place of BEING – not doing. He ALWAYS teaches us THROUGH WHOM HE IS. Because HE IS. He is always on time. HE IS ALWAYS THERE, even if we don’t see him physically. HE KNOWS IT ALL. HE HAS ANSWERS TO EVERYTHING. HE HAS THIS TALENT AND ABILITY TO GUIDE US ALL IN LIFE AND THROUGH THIS JOURNEY OF BECOMING OUR OWN LIGHT/POTENTIAL. He always shows us TO SEE THE SAME THINGS DIFFERENTLY. HE ALWAYS SHOWS ME WHAT IT REALLY MEANS WHEN HE SAYS “WHATEVER IT TAKES, NO MATTER WHAT” ! And still after all those years, this STILL IMPRESSES ME A LOT ! He is an EXPERT at showing us the world through his own eyes. Marc NOËL has NO FEARS. IMPOSSIBLE to him does not exist. He also teaches us to ALWAYS see THE OPPORTUNITY that is presented to us in every situation. He has talent to always place his magical hands where it is needed, even if we don’t say anything. He has talent for choosing the right words at the right time, with the right person, and with the right frequency. He is always present, at every moment. He is EVERYWHERE. Marc NOËL is always true to himself. He is a man of integrity. He is, teaches, and speaks from a high frequency – always. With him, life is UNIQUE. With him, life is MAGIC. With him, MIRACLES DO EXIST. Marc Noël ALWAYS touches our souls and beings.

He always teaches me/us that there is only one option : TO SUCCEED… OR… TO SUCCEED !

I am very grateful for EVERYTHING that he does for me, for EVERYTHING that he has already teached me, for EVERYTHING that he still teaches me, for everything that he does for everyone of us here on earth ! I am very grateful to have him in my life, and to be part of his life here on earth.



And you, will you do it ?



Physiotherapist for horses & dogs

Customer Care Agent